HLW GmbH tank and vehicle construction from Nordwalde/Germany is one of the most modern and innovative producers of milk tankers in Europe. HLW stands for high-tech, uncompromising quality and sustainability “Made in Germany”.

RT Systemtechnik won the pitch with their system solution consisting of QUADCON “Pumpcontrol CLX” and the 7 inch touch control panel “Visio Gate 7”.

The high performance milk tankers of HLW with a milk intake capacity of up to 60.000 l/h are the road trains of roads and motorways.

QUADCON “Pumpcontrol CLX” is the world’s first complete control, which was developed for the entire functional range of a complex milk collecting truck.

For the first time it was possible to lift the previously unattainable possible savings with the easy installation, wiring and scalability of the system. The potential is hidden in the assembling costs and in the lower system price compared to the traditionally used individual components from the SPS-technology.

Further saving potential is generated by the bus connection to valve terminals and at the air control for sample taking and other components.

A successful project start gives HLW a huge market advantage, which has been presented in the form of significantly higher orders received after its premiere at the “Anuga FoodTec 2015” exhibition in Cologne/Germany.

“The start of production is planned for mid-2016” said spokesman of HLW.

With customized system solutions by RT-Systemtechnik you will reach you final destination.